Gerrie Magwaza is an author by calling and an educator by profession highlights to the readers that though people come across mountains and hills to climb in life, these mountains become stepping stones towards greatness and success. Other books by the same author include a novellette,''xitofi madalayisani'', published by Maskew Miller Longman,a collection of short stories ''TOYI-Toyi'', which was awarded the first prize tag in a literary competition coordinated by Shuter and Shuter in 1995.


Tsalwa leri ra ''Andzi nge swi rivali'' ri vulavula hi jaha Boyana wa Khume -mune wa malembe ,leri ri nga lahlekeriwa hi vatswari va rona ni ndzisana ya rona ya nhwanyana hi ndlela yo ka yi nga twisiseki. Jaha leri ri vuye ri baleka ri suka exitandzini ri ya edorobeni ra Giyani laha a nga dyondza mikhuva yo tala yo fana na ku vutla swipaci no nwa byalwa a nga tiyimiselangi hikokwalaho ka vunghana bya yena na Phumaphi. Eka migingiriko leyi hinkwayo u hlanganile na mhani Salumi loyi a nga nwi xanisa hi ta le masangwini ku fikela laha a nga baleka a ya hlangana na nwana wa nhwanyana wa mufundhisi,lava va nga nwi yisa exikolweni endzhaku a lemuka leswaku muti wa ka vona a wu dyiwe vukosi lebyi yena a nga vuya a byi koxa a tlhela a tekana na nwana wa mfundhisi laha a nga va hosi leyi yi tiseke nhluvuko.
The book is about a 14 year old boy who lost his parents in a mysterious way and decided to run away to an unknown desolate place to forget the pains he has gone through. He eventually ended up in a squatter camp in the company of Phumaphi a street hustler, drug and alcohol addict, but Boyana was introduced to a life of all these and still had the ambition to go to school. His dream and longing later paid off when he met the pastor's daughter who through the help of her parents managed to put him into school and later realised that his family was robbed of chieftainship which he later claimed and in the process married one of the pastor's daughters.
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