Euclene Busi Maphumulo was born in KwaZulu Natal. She is a retired teacher. Her first drama Kade Babekhala received position 2 in the competition which was arranged by Arts and Culture in 2008. In 2009 she also won with her novel Isithombe Sezinsizwa. She has also published a grade 7 book titled, Indoda Emadodeni in 2019. Her drama titled Yinye Indlalifa received position 1 in the Usiba writing competition in 2019. She is featured in different poetry anthologies . She has published grade 1,2 and 3 books titled Siyacathula. She obtained a certificate from Room to Read South Africa after being trained in writing children’s book .She has published a children’s book titled uNono uthola umngani which is also translated to five languages.


UMbimbi nababulali yinoveli edingida ngezindikimba ezahlukene ezithinta ukuhlalisana emndenini. Ukuhlukumezeka kwabantu besifazane ngokomphefumulo kuhlala obala lapho usokhaya efulathela umuzi wakhe eshiya unkosikazi. Nezingane. Ukhwantalala yilona oludonsa indaba kuze kuphume umphefumulo. Okunye okugqama kakhulu udlame oluvuka ematekisini olubhekiswe kumninitekisi kodwa lugcine luchaphazele nabagibeli. Ukuqhuma kwesibhamu kuvela njengomkhokha osekude ukunqobeka ezweni lonke. Konke okuvela endabeni kugoqeke ndawonye kwaveza uzungu olucoboshise abantu abathize Umbuzo osele owokuthi kungabe izinhloso zababulali zizofezeka yini.
UMbimbi nababulali is a novel which deals with different themes including the social cohesion among families. The abuse of women emotionally is blatant when the man deserts his wife and children. Stress and depression pulls the story leading to someone's death. Another prominent aspect in the story is anger which is directed to a certain taxi owner. The outcome is vague when passengers are affected. The gunshot emerges a permanent phenomenon which won't be easily removed in the country. Everything which is revealed in the story is summed up to expose other people. The only question left is : Will the murderers motive fulfilled?
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