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IAF and FIT LatAm sign Memorandum of Understanding

ADonovan IAF, News

We are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the International Authors Forum (IAF) and the Regional Centre Latin America of the International Federation of Translators (FIT LatAm).

Both organisations have shared goals, striving to ensure authors’ rights are protected. IAF represents over 700,000 authors worldwide and campaigns for their interests in every country. It provides authors’ organisations worldwide with an international platform to exchange information, develop positions and provide support in matters concerning authors’ rights. FIT LatAm was organised in 2003 under the name Regional Centre Latin America (CRAL) to serve the interests of FIT members and to facilitate, promote and support the aims and efforts of FIT as a whole. Its objectives include fostering ongoing training and education; creating new professional associations and encouraging them to join FIT; promoting sound intellectual property policies and professional standards; developing relationships between associations and educational institutions; and raising awareness about the importance of the profession.

The MoU will enable both organisations to collaborate to nurture an environment of cooperation in support of professional translators’ associations, through objectives and commitments of protection, and strengthening the role of translators as authors of derivative works. Both IAF and FIT LatAm will partner to encourage these associations to develop framework agreements for the protection of translators’ rights as authors.

Please check the press release in Spanish here.

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