Copyright exceptions for educational purposes


Symposium Report on The effects of  Copyright Exceptions for Educational Purposes

ANFASA is pleased to attach, for your information, a report on the symposium that took place on 19 February 2019. The effects of  Copyright Exceptions for Educational Purposes.

The report was compiled from a recording of the event, but as the symposium lasted for three hours it was very long and has been modified, and summarised in some places. Nonetheless, we believe that the essence of every speaker’s remarks has been preserved. ANFASA will welcome and value your comments on this report.

Everyone who attended the symposium will receive a copy of the report. It is also being distributed more widely, to stakeholders and decision makers, and even if its content does not influence the government to reconsider this controversial piece of legislation, ANFASA hopes that it will generate discussion and serve to inform about the effect of copyright on national development.

You are invited to distribute the report as widely as possible.

Please Click Here for the report

Please Click Here for the visuals (video) on the symposium

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