Minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting


18 MARCH 2016 14:00 to 16:00



Present:  Nomonde Makaula, Mxolisi Sonti, Jedi Ramalapa, Newman Sigenu, Kholeka Sigenu, Nonhlanhla Vezi, Don Mthobela, Rodney Gowana, Tyrone August, Barbra Mapuranga, Mikhail Peppas, Senabelle Ebrahim, Winston Mohapi, Haseenah Ebrahim, Nelson Nohashi, Maishe Maponya, Walter Chakela, Mpho Sehoto, Ilyana Van Tonder, Zanele Mokoena, Terry Olifant, Matimba Mkansi, Mzukisi Silandela, Vuyisani Hans,  Mpumi Bikitsha, Samuel Oduniyi, Sam Mathe, Manzo Khulu, Keyan Tomaselli, Elitha van der Sandt, Faith Tlou, Bongi Tlou, Lee-Ann Tog, Rhulani Bila, Andile Xaba, Samukelisiwe Mfuphi, Monica Seeber, Angela Makholwa and Mweli Zoziso

Apologies: Christa Kuljian, Estelle Neethlings, Tau Oliphant, Siya Masuku and Johannes Malope

  1. Welcome and introductory remarks

The treasurer, Monica Seeber (LMS), opened the meeting and welcomed all present. She explained that the chairman, Prof Sihawukele Ngubane, had had to fly back to Durban for a funeral, and had asked her to chair the meeting on his behalf. She then introduced the ANFASA Board Members and also apologised on behalf of Dr Lee-Ann Tong who had attended the morning session but had had to fly back to Cape Town.  LMS also introduced Prof Barbara Mapuranga, treasurer of ZANA (Zimbabwe Association for Academic and Nonfiction Authors) and ANFASA’ a guest, and gave Prof Mapuranga a few minutes to speak about ZANA.

LMS officially opened the meeting and invited members to look at the minutes of the last AGM.

  1. Adoption of the 2015 minutes

There were no comments, and the minutes were adopted, proposed by Rev Mxolisi Sonti and seconded by Mrs Kholeka Sigenu.

  1. Chairman’s report

LMS invited Winston Mohapi (TWDM), an ANFASA board member, to read the chairman’s report for 2016 (see the ANFASA Annual Report).

  1. Treasurer’s report

The treasurer presented her report for 2016 (see the ANFASA Annual Report).


  1. Members’ responses to the reports

Tyrone August asked if the second tranche of the NLC funding was being pursued. LMS responded that there have been countless emails and phone call follow-ups made to the NLC, but in vain, and the next step will be to go to their offices in person and demand attention.


  1. Adoption of the financials

The treasurer invited members to comment where necessary on the annual financial statements, which had been accepted and signed by the board on the previous day. There were no questions or comments, and the financials were adopted Nomonde Makaula proposed seconded by Don Mthobela.

  1. Member’s Discussion

LMS gave an overview of the ANFASA membership, also saying that ANFASA will now be opening membership to authors of fictional works on the grounds that ANFASA served the interests of all authors in South Africa. She then put forward the board’s proposal for a membership fee increment from R150 to R240 per annum, informing members that there has not been an increase since 2012. Mikhail Peppas asked if the name of ANFASA would change and LMS said it would not. Its primary membership was still academic and non-fiction authors – many of whom also wrote fiction. Prof Mapuranga asked if this would mean a change in the Constitution and strategy. LMS responded that the Constitution, which currently excludes authors of fiction, would need to be amended, but the projects would continue as before as most were conceptualised to benefit academic and non-fiction authors but were relevant to all authors. Rev Sonti suggested that one of the ways to grow the membership would be to recruit from writers’ groups at local level – members in the provinces should organise themselves and stay in contact to better service ANFASA programmes in their provinces. TWDM thanked Rev Sonti and asked members to submit names and contact details of writers groups in their local regions to him. Vukulu Maphindane said members wanted to know what the benefits were and suggested that ANFASA could promote members’ projects on the website as well as on social media platforms. Prof Mapuranga highlighted the mandate of funders and raised a concern about the inclusion of fiction authors. LMS stressed that neither the nature nor the name of ANFASA would change but that ANFASA could not claim to be the voice of authors if it was exclusionary. Don Mthobela appealed to members to contribute to the organisation instead of always wanting to come to ANFASA looking for benefits. On the payment of fees, LMS reported that the auditors are shocked at the decline in their collection. ANFASA had had to cancel the online credit card payment system because no one used it. She proposed the introduction of a debit order system as well as the direct bank payment system. Kholeka Sigenu said that it’s important to remind members to pay their membership. Don Mthobela said that it’s also important to look at the type of membership we attract and why people join the organisation. Prof Mapuranga informed the meeting that at ZANA they have introduced membership cards as well as verification letters to attract and retain more members. Mikhail Peppas asked what the difference is between ANFASA and Writers Guild SA and why one must have a membership of both if the services are the same. EvdS responded that the Writers’ Guild is mainly for scriptwriters.


  1. Date and venue of next AGM

The board had suggested that perhaps the 2018 AGM be held in Durban in May, but this would be decided by the office as the year goes on and the final decision would be communicated to members. None of the members objected to this.


  1. Closing remarks.

The treasurer thanked everyone who attended and closed the meeting.


2016 Annual Financial Statements.